Introduction to Interactor

Introduction to Interactor

Meet Interactor, The missing piece of the puzzle. A whole new way to use Elementor that is sure to blow your mind.

turn interactions between widgets into reality, set up if-so conditions for interaction events, and create a wide range of custom action triggers. All you need is a bit of imagination and Interactor will bring your site to life, handling otherwise complex functionalities in a “click by click” Elementor fashion. If that’s not enough, interface with the best utilities out there and set up your custom webhook connections.

Interactor is a one of a kind Engine to generate custom jQuery triggers and events. It also features variables and connectors such as the DataLayer Connector, Zapier Connector, and allows for Custom Webhooks to set your own connections and automations.
To assure maximum modularity, Interactor also features a PHP-based Dynamic Conditions Section.

Interactor is an amazing tool that will transform your work and is well-worth conquering the learning curve it presents, to achieve further heights never before possible.  With Interactor, every click counts.

Check out all of Interactor modules here.